Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2015
S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
01 | Scope and Challenges in Light Fidelity(LiFi) Technology in Wireless Data Communication Authors:Shubham Chatterjee , Shalabh Agarwal , Asoke Nath
| JNAE10083 |
02 | Authors: Christian O. Osueke,Anthony O. Onokwai, Adeyinka O. Adeoye
| JNAE10085 |
03 | Authors:Christian O. Osueke,Adeyinka O. Adeoye , Chinedu A.K Ezugwu | JNAE10088 |
04 | A Distinct Authentication Key for TAM Protocol for Ad-hoc Networks Authors: Sadhna Yadav , Bharthi V Kalmath
| JNAE10104 |
05 | Importance of Waste to Energy Conversion Authors: Reshmi Banerjee
| JNAE10100 |
06 | Optimization of Shrink Fitting Process and Its Allowances Authors:Ajith kumar B A , C S Chethan kumar
| JNAE10087 |
07 | Development and implementation of Kaizen activities in an Automobile manufacturing firm Authors:Samuel V Dandin, R.G. Mench
| JNAE10091 |
08 | Architecture for detection of sybil attack in MANET using MAC address Authors:Anamika Pareek Mayank Sharma
| JNAE10101 |
09 | High Speed Fault Tolerant Reversible Vedic Multiplier Authors:Akansha Sahu , Anil Kumar Sahu
| JNAE10099 |
10 | Effect of wind Forces on Multistoreyed Structures Authors:S.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy
| JNAE10107 |
11 | L1 Variable Selection Based Causal Structure Learning Authors:Rania N. Elkhateeb , Mahmoud A. Mofaddel , Marghany H. Mohamed
| JNAE10094 |
12 | Comparision of Water Quality Index of Rajghat Dam & Lakha Banjara Sagar Lake Author:Sohil Jain
| JNAE10102 |
13 | Analyzing the BER Performance of OFDM-System with QPSK and BPSK Modulation Technique Authors:Sachin ,Natasha ,Chandni
| JNAE10097 |
14 | Wildlife and Environmental Monitoring using Information Technology: An assessment Approach Authors:Madhavi Shamkuwar , Anirudhha Joshi
| JNAE10111 |
15 | Recognition of Plant Species based on leaf images using Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network Authors: Sapna Sharma, Dr. Chitvan Gupta
| JNAE10092 |
16 | A Review of Plant Recognition Methods and Algorithms Authors: Sapna Sharma, Chitvan Gupta
| JNAE10093 |
17 | A Review on Analysis on Turbo Codes using Different Algorithms Authors:Dinesh Verma, Manish kumar | JNAE10116 |
18 | Enhancement in Mechanical Properties of Polystyrene-ZnO Nanocomposites Authors:Md Azad Alam , Sajjad Arif , Mohd. Shariq
| JNAE10115 |
19 | Experimental Study of the Counter Flow Regenerator with Structure Packing Authors:Raman Kumar, Rakesh Kumar
| JNAE10122 |
20 | Authors: Bhavin Mehta , Hardik Patel , Pushpak Patel
| JNAE10123 |
21 | Review of Three Level Voltage Source Inverter Based Shunt Active Power Filter Authors: Pinkal J. Patel, Rajesh M. Patel, Vinod Patel
| JNAE10118 |
22 | Hyperpigmentation Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Networks Authors : Prachi Parakhi , D.A.Kulkarni
| JNAE10114 |
23 | Fuzzy Neighbour Prediction based on Object Typicality Authors: Ferozkhan AB, Mohammed Yacoob B.A , Francina Sophiya D
| JNAE10125 |
24 | Face Recognition Using Prominent Non Uniform Local Binary Patterns Authors: P Kiran Kumar Reddy, Shaik Rahamat Basha
| JNAE10136 |
25 | Voltage Sag Mitigation in Real Time Using Booster Transformer Authors: Pallavi V. Pullawar, Sudhir R. Paraskar, Saurabh S. Jadhao
| JNAE10128 |
26 | Energy and Exergy analysis of a 75MW Steam power plant in Sapele(NIGERIA) Authors: Christian O. Osueke, Anthony O. Onokwai, Adeyinka O. Adeoye | JNAE10124 |
27 | Effect of Temperature Hike on Coastal Thermal Power Plants in India: A Case Study of Mundra Authors: Mr. Sameer S. Neve Miss. Manjushree B. Aithal Mr. Abhishek A. Kulkarni
| JNAE10129 |
28 | Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search- A Survey Authors:Greeshma A S. Lekshmy P. L. | JNAE10139 |
29 | Stress Corrosion Study of Mild Steel in Acidic Media Authors: M. Dauda,L. S. Kuburi, E. C. Okereke, A. A. Alabi
| JNAE10135 |
30 | Authors: G.Emerson Robin, U.Sankar, T.Chithambarathanu, P.Selvarajan
| JNAE10126 |
31 | SCADA - A Quality Control Tool in Road Construction Authors:Shruthi L S , Abhay Tawalare | JNAE10089 |
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