Volume 1- Issue 2-No4 Apr 2014
S.No. | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
31 |
An analysis on Filter for Spam Mail Authors:Anand G Sharma , Prof. Vedant Rastogi
ACS10081 |
32 |
A Survey Paper on Data Mining With Big Data Authors:Rohit Pitre, Vijay Kolekar
ACS10100 |
33 |
Study of Coupler Parameters for a Non Linear Directional Couple Authors: James Raja.S ,Divya.S.,Preethi.K
ACS10105 |
34 |
A Framework to Design a Web based Neuro Fuzzy System for Course Advisor Authors : V.Vaidhehi
ACS10108 |
35 |
Study of M.A.R.S.(Multifunctional Aero-drone for Remote Surveillance) Authors : Supriya Bhuran, Rohit V. Agrawal, Kiran D. Bombe, Somiran T. Karmakar, Ninad V.
AAE10080 |
36 |
Detection & Tracking of Moving Object Authors: Swati Thorat,Manoj Nagmode
AEC10092 |
37 |
Authors: Amitha Ashok Minache,Srivinay
ACS10104 |
38 |
Secure Intrusion Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks Authors: D. Raja Vigneshwar,Karthikeyan S.S, Prof.M. Pandiyanathan
ACS10090 |
39 |
Finite Element Analysis of Von Mises Stresses & Deformation at Tip of Cutting Tool Authors: Maheshwari N Patil , Shreepad Sarange
AME10084 |
40 |
An efficient method for classification of rice grains using Morphological process Authors: Veena.H , Latharani T R
ACS10116 |
41 |
Site selection and evaluation of constructed wetland site Authors: Garge Mohit Milind, Prof. Chaudhari Pravin S.
ACE10091 |
42 | Authors: K.Uma devi ,R.Satish kumar |
AEC10093 |
43 |
Classified Authentication in Resource Constrained Environments Authors: N.K.Prema, Dr.A.Arul Lawrence S.K |
ACS10117 |