S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
11 | Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Longitudinal Rectangular Vortex Generator Authors: Hrishikesh S. Kulkarni* ,Sandeep S. Kore
| SPME10081 |
12 | Biomedical Waste: An Introduction to its Management Authors: Dhruv P. Hirani, Krish R. Villaitramani, Snehjit J. Kumbhar
| SPCE10080 |
13 | Scheduling of Trucks at the Crossdocking Centre Using Auction Mechanism Authors: Eldho Paul* ,Prakash M Kallanickal, Brijesh Paul
| SPME10086 |
14 | Optimization of Cutting Parameters in Hard Turning of AISI 4340 Steel Authors: Basil K Mathew Paul* , Tina Raju, Dr. Biju B | SPME10087 |
15 | 6 LoWPAN: Efficient RoutingDiscovery Process for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) Author: Muhammad Shoaib Khan
| SPCS10082 |
16 | Optimization of MRR and TWR on EDM by Using Taguchi’s Method and ANOVA Author: Shahul Backer,Cijo Mathew, Sunny K. George
| SPME10085 |
17 | Optimization Of TiN Coated Carbide Reaming Process On SS 440C Using Grey Relational Analysis Authors: Siby Varghese, JosephKunju Paul C., S.Karunanidhi
| SPME10090 |
18 | Adaptive Antenna using Metamaterial Authors:Shantanu Kodgirwar, Prof. Mrs Vidya Kodgirwar, Tejonidhi Aphale, Shriram Gadgil
| SPEC10082 |
19 | Mathematical Model and Unitization for the Behaviour of the Intrinsic Recreation Hackers Authors: Dr. Esam Al Lawati , Dr. M.S.Saleem Basha* , Mrs. Gargi Bhattacharya, Mr.Jameel Hashmi
| SPCS10092 |
20 | Effect Of Re-Dosing Superplasticizer To Regain Slump On Concrete Authors: Gayathiri Devi,Elson John
| SPCE10081 |